Pure Ionic Water™

Clean, Re-mineralised Alkaline Drinking Water

Recommended by top sports scientists and nutritionists
UK, USA and Europe

Did you know the water you drink from your tap or from plastic bottles can contain harmful pollutants? In many parts of the UK the water is hard, causing pipes and boilers to block up with limescale. This can harbour harmful bacteria. Until now, water softeners require salt tablets to function.

Our system requires no salts, chemicals or power. It benefits the environment by reducing the need for plastic water bottles. We do not ionize water or sell ionizing machines. They need power and produce 50% waste. Instead we activate and alkaline the water completely naturally. It’s the best water, produced the best way, available in the UK, USA and Europe.

Pure Ionic Water in the United States of America – Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Why Pure Ionic Water™?

Pure Ionic Water™ systems remove the harmful levels of pollutants, heavy metals, chemicals and hormones and more importantly oestrogens and then add all the essential elements. Our water is rich in…

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Elite Sports

Elite Sports was developed by Pure Ionic Water™ and in conjunction with trainers, sports scientists and nutritionists over ten years ago and provides a growing number of elite sports men and women…

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Pure Ionic Water™ supplies pure, alkaline water for hospitality using an innovative, workable, circular economic model with no capex for the bar, restaurant or hotel. Pure Ionic Water™’s CSR and passion…

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Dinner Table

Pure Ionic Water™ supplies pure, alkaline water for the hospitality industry using an innovative, workable, circular economic model with no capital expenditure for the bar, restaurant or hotel…

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Woman Drinking out of a Glass

This bespoke package treats the water as it enters your home creating the perfect water to drink, wash and bathe. The system provides pure, alkaline, re-mineralised water to a chosen…

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Drop of Water close up

Water Environmental Treatment Limited (W.E.T) are a well-established Legionella compliance and water treatment company.

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Client Testimonials

Since having a Pure Ionic Water™ whole house system installed the quality of the water is now amazing. There is no lime-scale build up and the water tastes great (I even had my water softening unit, that uses salt, removed as I no longer need it). With the raised Ph I have noticed that my fitness levels have improved and my ability to recover post training and matches has increased. I also like the fact that I and my family are no longer drinking harmful chemicals etc. More importantly, since having the system installed my daughter’s excaema has cleared up!

Craig BellamyProfessional Footballer

I have a son who has suffered from Eczema from very early childhood. When we moved from Belgium to Luxembourg the condition worsened. I too was then diagnosed with Eczema. I believe the hard water in Luxembourg irritated the skin & thereby worsened the condition and for me brought it on. At home I had a salt softener system to treat the hard water. We replaced the salt water softener with a Pure Ionic Water™ full house system. The benefits from showering & bathing in their slightly pH acidic soft water was profound. Within a period of just two to three months my sons Eczema and mine had almost entirely cleared up. I cannot thank the team at Pure Ionic Water™ enough for a system that has changed my son’s life and helped me.

Didier Defournay

I was taken with how keen the strength and conditioning coaches of the biggest football and rugby clubs in the UK were to get Pure Ionic Water™ for their players (and indeed within their own homes). It led me to research drinking water in general and the unique qualities of this water in particular. I have now made sure we have Pure Ionic Water™ in our family home. I recommend it to all my pro sport clients and they are delighted with the water and the service that they have received from the company.

Mark SheasbyMind and Sports Coach, England Rugby 7s, Notts County Cricket Club

Pure Ionic Water™ is the best quality water available. A key component for improved performance and optimal health.

Gavin Allinson - The ‘Fat Loss Chef’Certified Sports Nutritionist (CISSN), Former Professional Rugby Player

Pure Ionic Water™ is the winning choice over acidic sports drinks.

Matt LovellTop Elite Sports Nutritionist, England RFU, UKA, Manchester City FC

For expression of interest or for detailed information about Pure Ionic Water™, please contact us today!