Why Pure Ionic Water™?

Pure Ionic Water™ is a product produced by WET for the Water Smart Foundation.

Help Your Health

Pure Ionic Water™ systems remove the harmful levels of pollutants, heavy metals, chemicals, hormones and oestrogens and then add all the essential elements. Our water is rich in anti-oxidants and hydroxide ions known to boost energy and treat dermatological complaints. Pure Ionic Water™ systems naturally and permanently alkalise your drinking water, allowing you to neutralise any acidity and increase hydration levels.

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Help Your Wallet

By installing Pure Ionic Water™ home systems, you can save money. In hard water areas, our mineral suspending system will effectively and naturally soften water, preventing expensive limescale build-up without the need to add salt. You can eliminate the need to purchase bottled water, perfect if you are looking for a healthy, environmentally-sound alternative to bottled water.

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Help The Planet

We are proud of our environmentally responsible approach to business. By installing Pure Ionic Water™ systems in your home, you avoid the need to buy plastic bottled water. Over 2 billion plastic water bottles are disposed of every week, clogging up landfill sites and the ocean, where they cause lethal harm to marine life. The Pure Ionic Water™ System requires no power, no chemicals and produces no waste.

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For expression of interest or for detailed information about Pure Ionic Water™, please contact us today!